A good day in the North

Its fair to say i woke a little creaky and achy today after 5hours paddling yesterday. But looking out at the wood it was clear that again Cumbria was enjoying some spectacular autumn weather - so getting my priorities right pooch and i headed out - all my current work can wait - and i tend to work best up against a deadline.....

We wandered up to the top field (we're still waiting for the builder to come make the gate) and just off the track through the wood i saw a broken circle of these clouded funnels - initially i took the pic for id purposes - but looking back on my shots I was taken by the colours in the carpet of leaves.

This afternoon I changed the wheels on Prince over to his less fancy ones and ordered winter tyres for them - his dancing shoes are put away now till spring. It seemed odd to be doing this in a T-shirt on the first day of November, but we've already had our first frost and seen our first dusting of snow, so Id rather have it done early instead of too late.
A little excitement was added to the day when our faithful microwave quite literally blew up, bang, smoke & flames, so a trip to the waste centre was followed by a wasted trip to a well known electrical retailer - why do they never keep anything in stock anymore? Its like they want me to go home and order online....
Fortunately this minor annoyance was more than made up for on the drive back by the wonderful sunset (extra) that i just managed to pull over and admire before it was gone.

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