Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Guardians of the Galaxy

Well the cat galaxy anyway. That is to say, our cat's space. Phil and Ian, feline fitters, finished the job late lunchtime, gave me the guided tour, went through the aftercare pack and paperwork, and high tailed it back up North. Very nice guys, very hard working. Hope the cats (Dylan in particular) appreciate their efforts. Dylan certainly enjoyed his first outing, he was happy as Larry. Scout was a bit more confused at how his world had shrunk, but he seemed okay. We just need to re-landscape the place and make it cat friendly as well as cat safe.

I also was a hero today; up again at 4.30am sorting manic cats, three trips to the dump, shopping, cooking dinner. I was firing on all cylinders. 

Oh and I signed up for Movember and could really do with your support. You can sponsor me here. You Mo it makes sense ...

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