A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Run Like a Chicken

If you haven't seen a chicken run, you haven't lived. It is the silliest thing to see. It's why I have chickens. Because honestly, no matter the fowl mood (get it? Ba dump!), when you are witness to such a thing you cannot help but smile/laugh. So although this may not be a good quality image at all, it made me laugh when I uploaded it. And to my surprise there were 230 images from this camera that I clearly don't use often enough. Therefore, I will be back-blipping in the next day or two. I can't not. Some just scream to be blipped.
It's hard to believe that I used to be completely - 100% addicted to blipping daily. Amazing how life can grab you by the throat and shake you up and change you. Or at least try to change you.

And on another note, I'm pretty sure I may regret this but I'm signing up for a guitar class at the community college in about 5 minutes. Someone stop me! It's only once a week. That, on top of my drawing class that I signed up for...

IT'S ABOUT TIME I DO SOMETHING JUST FOR MYSELF. Right? Oh dear, please someone tell me it's a good thing and that I'll still have time to run a business which includes manufacturing mega pounds of soap during my busiest season...please.

ME! ME! ME! It's all about me for just this short time in my life....til Christmas. Yea, that's it. Just until Christmas. What am I doing????

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