Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 2 - The Wishing Well Band Tour UK/EU

This morning, at 9am, Jai and I took the band bus into Worcester to head to see this man, Bryan, who X kindly set me up to go and see!! Saved my bacon. I have a L.R.Baggs expensive piece of pick-up kit to amplify my violin but the wire needed soldering.. So this is him trying to find a heartbeat in my poor baby... Honesty felt like I was sitting in a surgery waiting room, Waiting on my poor little baby...!! He is fine now and sounds absolutely fantastic! :) If I do say so myself!

We then went to the train station to pick up the remaining band members... Andy (from Melbourne - living in London and Declan from Belfast) they seem like really sound guys and all 7 of us are getting on brilliantly. Declan an I are talking to each other in "fast pace" scottish/irish accents with the rest of the band half understanding or needing us to slow down! It's almost like a secret code... Saying that the Hungarians talking Hungarian is worse! Ha...

We came back to the house and set up the living room with all of our kit and started rehearsing... 6 hours rehearsals and we managed to get through just over the first set of songs... I sort of stopped to think at one point and just... Looked around the room at the incredible musicians I was surrounded by and became completely overwhelmed by where I am, what I'm doing... Getting paid to play tunes and rock out... Mad! Wake me up, I'm clearly dreaming!

So after rehearsal we went for a walk, which turned into a mud slide rather than walk in some beautiful countryside... Again i'm not Blipping exactly where I am for obvious reasons but yeah... It is beautiful. Great to get out into the fresh air. We then came back and Riv and Jai cooked up some BBQ chicken which was gorgeous... The meal outside the house was hilarious in itself as Gurgu kept telling us Chuck Norris jokes (apparently he is really big in Hungry) but his English translations made them sort of not funny but to us 10 times funnier!! Also, he came out with "I really love my go-nads" but turns out he actually meant "I really love McDonalds" - had us all in stiches!! Then Eva and Gurgu fed us with Hungarian Peach Schnapps - which Dec and I downed - apparently you are meant to sip it - which explains the gasps and sour faces from us both!! Woops...

We have all now crashed out (not from the peach schnapps!) quite shattered after a lot of traveling between us to get here and an tough afternoon's worth of focus. We had a kinda pep talk about what needs to improve in the music and specific bits to look over etc... So far so good... I have a lot of work yet to do but it's all very doable! Just need to relax into it, trust my memory and ignore the sheet music. I do know it, I just have to feel it, go with it...

Missing X a lot tonight... Which is strange seeing we only really started talking as more than friends on Saturday... I've kept so many barriers up around my heart that it was going to take something seriously special to bash them down and she has just defied everything I was trying so hard to keep up... Hmm...

Also really missing Angela and wish I was at home to make things better for her, take her out for an icecream an put even a tiny little smile back on her face. Love always Ang. Keep your chin up for me. I'll be near home next week! Can give you a cuddle in my corset!!! - not every girl gets that offer!!! Ha P.s - the band are playing in the street next wed afternoon too ;) xx

"I listen to her heartbeat coz it plays my favourite song"
Lil Wayne

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