Back to the Lake

There was only one Eurasian Wigeon Duck, he seemed quiet at home with the American Wigeons he was hanging out with. As a matter of fact, he seemed quite comfortable with the Mallards, Wood Ducks and Geese too. Serenity and Peace are perhaps a trait of the Wigeons. Good for them.....good neighbors and accepting of everyone!!! The world would be better if we all acted like Wigeons? YES.

Now I have to go and pass out Halloween candy if we have any kids show up tonight. We don't get too many kids because we live on a cul-de-sac with only three houses and it is a detour off the main street with not many kids take the time to come to our house. I suppose we will at least get the little children on our street who know us. I hope so. I like the little kiddos who are in awe of the whole experience. They like to talk and are in no hurry to run off for more candy. So sweet and cute!
Thanks for visiting. Hope you have a lovely start of week.....enjoy the journey!!!! See you tomorrow.

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