Grey Wagtail.

This is another of those shots that makes you say'' How did that come out so well''?
  The location was in a deep valley @ nearly 4-20pm. So you can guess that the light was quite abysmal.
  In fact hand holding the kit at 1/200 sec.@ f6.3.With an ISO of 22800.I think the camera saw more than I did? It was very dark! 
  But I to try as I still hadn't got a bird blip up until then!
Sooo it's not the sharpest pin in the box.But it does have something of a Painterly feel to it?
   The Grey Wagger was actually having a bath,and was shaking itself dry.
Hence the out of focus rear end and tail.
  At one time it was almost totally submerged.As a Dipper would be!

Well I might just as well show you in an extra photo? 
  As you can see it really took the plunge!!!   lol 

Absolutely amazing what today's technology can achieve?


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