Stepping Out *

Last night's anniversary concert by Ayr Choral Union was a very enjoyable affair with several popular choral pieces and a selection of well-loved traditional Scots songs on the programme.

The choir's patron, local boy Sir James MacMillan, had also written a piece specially for the occasion, so it had its world première last night with the composer sitting in the audience, which must have been quite daunting for the performers. (Not my cup of tea, that piece.)

This morning, before I left to return to Pookie, Gill and I had the customary walk along Troon beach. Neither Ailsa Craig nor Arran was visible in the mist today, but it was still beautiful, with the tide far out and lots of fascinating patterns in the sand. I liked this natural, almost-silhouette shot of Gill stepping out across some water.

* One of my favouritest films ever!

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