Radiate and Fade Away

Remember this?

Well, it turns out it was a 1941 clock from a Spitfire!

We only found this out by blasting the dial with compressed air in the living room on Saturday night to get the serial number, to find out that we shouldn't have blasted it with anything cos the numbers are painted with radium!

Mwah. Chance that there might be radiating material all over the living room caused me and Misssy to shut the doors, not allow the kids or animals in and call Environmental Health.

Who were LOVELY. And sent Steve from the Hospital, who was even lovelier. He worked for the Bio Physics Radiation Unit at ARI and this is his Geiger Counter.

With which he found two pieces of radium in my lounge. Lower level, no chance it would particalise in the atmosphere. But could have been ingested possibly (If I licked the floor clean like I do) and he said it was better to call him in, especially with kids in the house.

He had the full bifter on- radiation suit, breather mask, blue slip over shoe thingummies. I pooped myself every time I heard a bleep.

The kids loved it and brought friends into gaze through the glass doors.

He photographed the offending flakes for his next lecture. Then I had to hoover one more time, open the windows and seal the hoover bag and chuck it. In our bin. Apparently YOU can get rid of radiated materials where a company or organisation cannot!

SO- Lovely dials? Watch and not lick them clean.

Public Services? They work!

Sadly- no apparent Superpowers.......



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