Ladies what lunch...

Up not as early as we'd imagined- thanks in part to Iain getting up and putting Box Trolls on the iPad for the SBG while they were drawing at the kitchen table!

As they headed off to yet another party, I made my way into town to meet 3 lovely ladies, T, D and A. We attempt, several times a year, to catch up, and invariably, we manage it once. That was today. Lunch at Amarone - bottles of fizz, chat, much laughing, good food and fantastic company.

I had to leave first to get home for SBG duty, as Iain is back out to Summerhall, this time as an artist for the night.

Dinner, bath, stories, and then bed for the very tired SBG. No wonder. 3 days of partying will do that to a person.

I'm catching up on emails and blips - living the Sunday dream.

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