Thanks Grandad

Katie had school homework for half term (loads of it, a ridiculous amount) but one particular piece was a research homework about the history of fire engines to support their forthcoming project on the Fire of London. Recently, the property near my dad caught fire, full fire station turn out. He told us about it the day before her homework came back. It transpired that on the property used to be the neighbourhood fire station! Plus his insurance company had some of the old "insurance marks" from days when insurers ran the fire brigades. And totally in keeping with how I remember his whole-hearted, enthusiastic and tireless support of our school research projects, the next time I saw him he had printed us photographs (he blips, I knew he'd have one!), information sheets, old photographs, referencing and brief notes. We were extremely grateful! It made the project achievable for us and interesting for Katie. Excellent Grandading and Daddying!

When she got up this morning, we did the writing up of the recipe/baking project that we'd done & photographed. It was then off to panto rehearsals for my girl. They danced for 3.5 hours and had a fabulous time. They all looked adorable in their sweet yellow leotards with the company choreographer for the first time. The mummies had 90 minutes of form filling and information meetings. I had spent time yesterday prepping with the principal and was summonsed to be her right hand lady during the process. I was promptly informed I will be chaperoning all of the rehearsals and performances Katie's team are part of (fine by me, licensed chaperone is a paid position!). Katie was pleased to learn today her two favourite seniors are on the same team.

We left class about 2 and made a pit stop for more katie food. We popped into town to buy ribbons for her band costume tomorrow night (she's a rainbow fairy, we don't do Halloween). It was then home for homework, tea time and a lovely time of clarinet. She tried some new pieces in a bid to find something she really likes to play for the school talent show in 10 days. She's currenlty considering the Entertainer!

Occurred to me in the chaos of the last few days I'm not actually sure when last katie had a proper bath (clearly, she's been washed/cleaned etc!) so she's soaking in the tub, with the aim of easing slightly sore muscles too. They've worked hard this week!

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