Escape From Sector 7-G

By craigL


One of those Saturdays when my friends who don't work locally were all available for a few drinks.
We decided to meet up in Mathers east end pub ( always fraught with risk as there is a Mathers in the west end as well) only to discover that Mathers east end is no more and is the latest victim of gentrification.
Now called The Empress of Broughton Street, it's sells 'craft' beer. 
With it's wall decorations of Maud Wagner, the first female tattoo artist in the US, it is clearly setting it's sights on the young hipster crowd.

I didn't realise that beards and tattoos were a pre-requisite for enjoying a quality beer, but I'm getting a bit long in the tooth.
We had inadvertently stumbled on the opening day of The Empress and I have to admit that it was the coldest, tastiest pint of Belhaven Best that I have sunk in a long time, so maybe gentrification has it's bonuses.

It certainly does in the case of Regent Bridge, which lit up my way back for the train at Waverley.

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