
By bjebnnby7227

Surprise visit

Nice start to my Friday when Bel texted that she had 2 hours to kill in Victoria before her coach to Bristol, having flown in from France that morning. We met for hot choc my office and had many lols, mainly had the expense of sleep deprived Bel. She was then going on to Bristol to surprise her uni friends, which as I am writing this a couple days later, she has confirmed was a success with some of her friends even crying (LOOOOsers).

The rest of my day was very nice with little work being done, us setting up a "client meeting" so that we could all sit in a meeting room and eat free Pret lunch, followed by pub, followed by scrolling through buzzfeed quizzes. I do HAVE work to do, it just didn't feel right doing it on a Friday y'know?

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