Quiet Blipper

By Islandcat

Galliano Island Cemetery

We spent the day putting the boat away for the winter. Taking stuff off her and up to the house; scrubbing the decks to remove some of the debris from crows and otters and then taking her over to Montague harbour Marina for the winter. She is tied up tight to the dock with a small heater running to keep the moisture at bay. "Tarping" next week. 

We took advantage of a wee break in the rain and went to visit Galiano Island Cemetery, a beautiful peaceful spot overlooking Active Pass. The graves were scattered here and there amongst the trees. Many of the pioneers of Galiano Island are buried here. The grave sites were especially intriguing. Many of them built up with concrete sides as shown here. I am imagining that like elsewhere in the Island's there is lots of rock and little dirt. Building like this would allow the dirt to be contained (not wash away by the  winter rains )and the depth of the plot to be increased. We saw many of the local names. Maberly, Scoones, Bellhouse, Georgeson, Gaylor, Griffiths. 

A photo for this week's blip challenge - tombstones.

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