Striking A Pose

You may remember last year when I posted this shot of Jake on his first day at High school. Sweet eh? Today when I asked him to pose, this ^^^^^ is what I got :) He has grown a fair bit and come out of his shell a fair bit but he is still the same happy smiling boy. He has had a hard year with some highs (trips to Texas and Madrid with his football team) and he has had some lows. But still he is smiling. He is a good lad!

In other news, I bought some bird feeders at the weekend and hung them off the pergola. The first blip victims birdie visitors are in evidence. Little brown jobs which may be sparrows or young robins or something else entirely I am rubbish at birds. What I do know is I will need to de-clutter the various fairy lights, hanging candles and assorted clutter from the ends of the pergola in order to be able to take any snaps! My work is never done!

Its just after 8pm and after a grey day with no sun, the rain and wind is finally here. Looks more like December. Hey ho...not long till Spain

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