Goodbye My Friend

I had originally planned to dress up the pups in their Halloween Costumes for SillySaturday but... Wild Drama played out in the back yard! When I heard the commotion...I, of course, grabbed my camera as I headed out the door! A Red-shouldered Hawk apparently, I say that because I didn't actually see her grab the almost 4' Black Racer (check the *extra*),  just saw her lift off from the edge of the pond with it in her talons. She flew with it to my neighbors yard and settled in an oak tree. Thankfully, as luck would have 100-400mm was on the camera. Got a few decent shots before she flew off with her breakfast. I understand that many of you have an 'aversion' to snakes and I certainly would never hold that against you, but this noble serpent and I go back a ways. This creature and I have shared our wonderful space for probably 4 years or so. I believe she is one of the many snakes I've 'rescued' over the years when neighbors call me to "save a snake" from their cat. Or from themselves, I'm never certain which! I always relocate the serpents to our yard since we have some wild area and good food sources for them. So over the years I've watched as she caught and swallowed frogs and small rodents and admired her beauty as she lay on the rocks at the edge of the pond, warming herself in the winter. I've never bothered her and she always respected my personal space. So, although it may sound a bit strange, I'm glad for the hawk, she needs to eat too, of course...but I will miss my friend and wish her a peaceful journey. 

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