Enjoy their dancing

What a lovely day out with my best friend for her belated birthday treat.

We've been to Blackpool Tower for afternoon tea, listen to the wurlitzer, and watch people 'trip the light fantastic' on the dance floor of the Tower ballroom.

We set off on a coach trip and by the end of it tonight we knew which two we would evict, they would leave the coach and their trip would end, (on coach trip!) We weren't so lucky and they were on till the bitter end!

We had a lovely run down on the coach, coffee in Debenhams on arrival and then located our tickets and the ballroom for our tea at 2pm. We had some time to spare so we wandered up the front looking at the taccy shops discovering what we already knew about our name and personality from this name, we admired the rubbish then moved on to Tourist Information! We went for a nose around because Tourist information has moved since we were last here and a wooden sort of building erected which is called The Wedding Chapel. Given its name and we had time to spare we went for a look to see if they did weddings. We decided to enquire about prices and to see if we could have a look in the wedding rooms!

Well, my friend sat down on a chair as the gentleman welcomed us in, and with a straight face and not a stutter she started to tell the gentleman untruths! She wanted to renew her wedding vows next year as it is her 25th wedding anniversary!! Its her 20th next year not 25. The unsuspecting gentleman thought it was a lovely idea and is cheaper than a wedding because there are no legal papers to complete but she must take her marriage certificate to prove she is married. We asked to look at the room which as registry offices go it was quite nice and what a view of the tower through the window, it was stunning but if we were to use this place I would insist the windows were cleaned. The other window was dirty, courtesy of the seagulls. We left with brochure and a promise after speaking to my friends husband we may be back in touch.

Next stop the Tower ballroom for tea, table number 9. Tea, sandwiches, scones and cream cakes. All lovely. We listened to the wurlitzer and watched people ballroom dance. It was good to see people of all ages taking part, very young and old people. The young ones are the future and without them ballroom dancing may disappear. We watched all intensly, the intricate footwork of some, the over exageration of movements in others but mostly those just relaxing and enjoying their dance with their partner. The music was good and after opening the session with the strictly theme tune, a rendition of Titanic and a little treat of the Bay City Rollers, it was soon 5pm and time to leave and head back to the bus/ coach.

We wandered through primark and bought nothing! We were looking for somewhere to charge our phone but we didn't find anywhere so via McDonalds for the loo, where a gentleman had been in the loo for a longtime, when he was requested to leave he told them exactly what he was doing! I didn't need further information so I left the area.

All back on the coach we set off through the famous illuminations. A sight to behold as usual. We were through them in a short while and back again. This is where we began to decide our two to evict from the coach trip! What a pair! One moaned anout the traffic, how it should travel one way through the lights, how horses should be banned and traffic should be banned from joining the main road from a side street. His mate agreed with everything he said with a reply of 'thats right'. The man knew everthing, how many trams, the cost of journey on a tram, the new depot, everything. He began to get on my nerves and his mate, 'it is', 'thats right'. for goodness sake form your own opinions and not just agree with all he says. This theme of rightousness continued all the way up the motorway till our first drop off point and then his patience was really tested! The feeder coach was going to be late, we had a 20 minute wait for it! ,well, how pathetic was this? "It is" replied his mate! By now my last nerve had gone and when my friend suggested a comfort break at mcdonalds I couldn't let her go alone and was able to escape him for a few minutes. However he continued on our return, it really was pathetic, by now I lost the will and I'm sorry to say the histerics came, with tears and grunts. It was one of those I couldn't control my laughter! We didn't dare suggest a whip round for the driver! We left a private contribution!

My drop off point arrived, did he not get off at my stop? 'Thats right', he did. I was so pleased to see the back of him. Tonight Brendon we vote for the clever man and his mate, 'thats right' because they moan about everything.

On the whole we had a great day out, even though they were painful on the coach, they didn't spoil our day they helped make it more fun.

Thankyou for your company today, I had a lovely day. I am going to take up ballroom dancing and next year when we go to renew your wedding vows I'll trip the light fantastic at the Tower Ballroom with all the other people there who just enjoy their dancing.

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