#Soggy sailor.
ok as you can tell the weather changed quite dramatically has rained all night (although we had our best nights sleep) and it is rather chilly!! Can't believe yesterday we were in shorts and we're swimming in the sea.
After briefing we left at 10:30, by 11:00 we had got the small sail out, we completely lost control in the winds and the boat was seriously keeling. We both panicked but struggled to get the sail back in. We were really scared. Then the call came in from the lead boat to return to port. We were so happy to hear that. It took us another hour to get more control, once the sail was in and we were heading back the waves washing overboard were nothing and we thought we'd go down singing...I am Sailing and Drunken Sailor we prayed to Posidon and I asked The Rev to calm the waters!!!
We were so glad to get back to port safely 2 hours after we had left and to hear even the most experienced sailors had struggled. One yacht lost a sail completely!!!
Within an hour of being back I fell down the yacht steps and have hurt my blooming, painkillers and a few tipples seem to be doing the job!!!

301/366....a chance to have a great afternoon/evening with some very kind friends...coming 2nd in the quiz, sharing a meal and some more drinks!!
What an eventful glad we experienced it but happy to be safe.

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