A morning of thick haar and up on the cliffs you could see it rolling in off the sea. Everything was dripping wet, human and dogs included! Unfortunately the cut silage is still lying in fields, rowed up, supposedly wilting, before it is baled. It looks very miserable.
Yesterday on the headland I could hear what sounded like light hammering. At the bottom of the cliffs were two guys, tourists, chiselling and splitting pieces of rock , looking for fossils. They said they'd only found odd bits. I've never seen folk working on these cliffs before, I shall keep my eye on them!
Orcadians always tell you that if you don't like the weather, just wait a few hours and it will change, and right enough, by 4pm the wind had blown all the haar off and the sun was shining brightly. Managed to get a load of towels and table cloths on the line, so that was a great bonus.
Talking of bonuses - today Mike got his first Christmas box from a grateful customer! An old lady he delivers post to is going to her daughter's until the end of January, so gave him a bottle of whisky today!!! On Monday he delivered his first Christmas card catalogue . . . . that's right, 13th August!
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