
It was hot today. Apparently 37 degrees. Not too humid mind you but still very hot.

I came home and washed the car. It was just an excuse to stand under the hose and wet myself.

When Jo got home she suggested we go to the local for a drink and a meal. Not a bad idea. They are air conditioned. We had a quick drink to cool us down before we left (we were walking). This cosmopolitan mix was left over from Jo's Christmas party last weekend. Luckily we had some Vodka too. That got us off to a good start and I decided to blip the setup before we drank it.

Next time I am going to buy cranberry juice rather than a cosmopolitan mix. The mix is way too sweet.

So we went to the leagues club for dinner and watched the passing trade. The food was very good and inexpensive.

Tonight the car is backed up to the garage doors and I the hope that I can go fishing tomorrow. As I type it isn't looking good. The predicted winds are starting to blow and by tomorrow morning it will probably not be worthwhile. SO maybe Sunday.

Next week is a two day week for me. That is unless my boss trys to shaft me and take away my leave.

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