Life as it happens:)

By Bushbaby76


As our 1st wedding anniversary approaches I had a look back at our photos, probably not the best idea I've had considering how I'm feeling lately!!! Old,fat,unattractive,unfeminine, the list goes on! But it did remind me there is a woman on there somewhere??!!!
Yes I know I'm blessed with 4 beautiful children and I adore each one of them but I do feel a bit lost at the moment!! I am beyond tired, over wrought and in need of a bit of a break x
I need to feel more than a breastfeeding, bum changing, house cleaning, chef, and all round dogs body!!
Oh god listen to me I sound dreadfully unhappy and I'm def not unhappy I'm just lacking in feeling normal!! But Jay is still very young(6 weeks) so its all the 'norm'!!!!

Good news too tho... I've been accepted to do a Christmas stall on nov 30th, so lots of making and planning for that, the wedding commission I'm doing is also going well x

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