Now... now my life is complete ..
CHEWBACCA... I became a tad overwhelmed upon meeting him and near dissolved into tears ... as a life long (well since 1977 when Star Wars came out ) fan this was just the best photo shoot ever ... better than any of my wedding photos !!! Honest... Mr W agrees,he's not keen on our wedding pictures either ...
Anyway we also saw Storm troopers and one of them kept trying to duff Mr W up .. also we met the new baddie Kylo ren and he was a right nasty dickhead.. I was a bit nervous as he was rather spooky.
We've done lots of tours of back stage type rides and then star tours which is a flight simulator and quite frankly you can shove that one right up your hooter as it made me heave ....
anyway tomorrow Animal Kingdom.. although I'm having a lie in first .. my stumpy legs are aching something rotten.
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