I voted early (today)

I voted today and wish the ugly campaign ads would end today too!  Unlike the short 2 months of campaigning like they have in the U.K., we have suffered almost 2 years of it!

I feel like I have been going non-stop all day but not sure what I have gotten done!  

I went to my favourite frame shop (FrameWorks) to pick up some things I had them frame for me.  I had them re-matt and frame these 6 Window on Westray series that I had bought for Kent.  It is on the wall for his birthday, which is today. :-)

I also had them frame this seahorse I had quilled and am very happy with the results.

I had to go to a couple of different stores that seemed to eat up a lot of time.  When I got home it was time to mix enough dry cat food to refill the 5 gallon bucket.

I still have several things on my list to do so tomorrow will be another busy day!

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