A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I'm not sure what else there is to do today

I tried to prepare myself for my worst case scenario but it turns out I hadn't. The menfolk seem to be taking it more in their stride. I don't even really know what to say about the awful appointment other than that it was awful. The dr hasn't seen this before and so we are moved on.  Possibly to someone helpful but it honestly feels like somewhere more general and therefore even less likely to be able to help. The concept of investigative medicine seems alien. The difference between House and reality is like watching The West Wing in the hope that's how politics would be.

I can't even list the catalogue of communication failures, though the nadir had to be when they made us feel bad for "wanting to hurry things along".  

All I want is a nice doctor who we will feel is on our side. Apparently that is too much to ask. 

I'm sorry not to deliver better news. I do feel a responsibility to all you lovely people who are being so supportive. My instinct is to stop blipping and to hide away but I think it is one of the things that keeps me sane so I shall stay and we will all hang on for that happy ending. 

Oh, and if you are wondering about the lovely Greek doctor that may well have been a figment of our imaginations she has been well and truly silenced and is never to be spoken of again. Carl will try and email her but we don't know if there is wifi in the basement they have her locked in. That'll teach her to have an open mind and communicate out of process. 

Lesley x

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