Seattle's Civil War Cemetery
We once lived a block from this park on North Capitol Hill…our kids played here and we ran our dog here.
The Cemetery of the Grand Army of the Republic was platted here in 1896 and has 526 grave markers of both Union and Confederate army and navy who served in America’s civil War. (and some wives) The pylon monument says “In memory of our heroes 1861-1865.” It was after we moved from this neighborhood that the original transcription of all the graves was done (1979) and a map was made. There are 6 graves that are inscribed “unknown.” Compared to so much of the world we don’t have much history and one did wonder what brought these people all across the country after such a monumental event that brought the north and the south together and abolished slavery. … In 1865 Seattle was a fertile land of opportunity and clearly attracted veterans and their families seeking adventure or a new life …
A lovely day to include this on our walk…it’s always interesting to read where these folks, all born in the 1830s and early 40s were from…there are 25 states represented! the WBC is "tombstones "so this might do.,..
the extra is a possible contender for the blank space on our wall.. H running our Irish setter in this park in 1975)
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