Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Last night Thomas and some of his friends went to a 16th birthday party - life always seems to go in waves and for him it is the era of 16th birthday parties. He and his friends shared a taxi back to our house after the party and so this morning I made them all a cooked breakfast before they went home. They are all lovely lads and so well behaved so it is no problem having them - and they seem to behave responsibly at the parties too, so no need for buckets next to the bed at night!!

I then took Thomas shopping for some new winter clothes - if you have seen how much he has grown since last year you will realise why his clothes from last winter don't fit him at all. We managed to find some reasonably priced things and it was a calm and successful shopping trip.

When I opened my front door this morning I noticed these mushrooms that had popped up overnight - I liked how the one still has a little clump of soil on it's head!

I thoroughly enjoyed Exposure by Helen Dunmore, which I managed to finish before book club which is on Thursday night.

Still no phone and no internet - and 3G is so very slow! 

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