So long, farewell...

Minty  will be going down to Cardiff with his human after she comes home this weekend to pack a change of clothes. She has been sweltering in 30 - 40°C temperatures all summer while working in Spain, so Wales in November will be a shock to the system.

I am going to miss this bundle of mischief like crazy, but in a way I'm glad he's going, because his latest trick is to use the cat-flap to let himself in and out the house. (We all know where he learnt that, don't we, Mabel?)

At first I found it quite endearing that he rushed out in his excitement to greet his dog-walker, and burst back in at the end of his walk in his eagerness to be fed, and on Friday when I came back from somewhere, he was looking very cute sitting on the steps waiting for me.

However, on Saturday afternoon our next-door neighbour caught him chasing my car down the drive - I was totally unaware! - and fortunately managed to put him back into the house and lock the cat-flap. I hate to think what might have happened if he'd reached the road!

That is the only reason I'm glad Minty is going away for several weeks. With any luck he'll have forgotten how to do it when he gets back.  

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