
By CharChar

Little India - Happy Diwali

Today we got up and headed over to Sentosa Island. To get there you take a cable care from Singapore over to the island, the views were great. Once we got there we had a Segway tour of the beach area, there are 3 beaches which are really nice and it was great segwaying along them.

Once the Segway had finished we went to one of the beach bars for a couple of drinks and a pizza, as we sat there we watched a tropical storm coming in from sea it was quite good to watch until it reached us!

We then headed back to the hotel and chilled by the pool for a bit before getting ready to go to little India which is the Indian quarter of Singapore, we were recommended a restaurant called Bananna leaf and it did not disappoint it was a traditional Indian restaurant and the food was amazing! We then had a walk around little India as it is Diwali they have all lights and decorations up, today's picture is inside a market selling all things for the Diwali festival. Whilst walking around we saw a fight break out between two locals was the funniest fight I've ever seen with a local man breaking them up.

After little India we wanted to see china town so we had a little walk around the Chinese shops before heading back. This is our last night in Singapore before heading to our next destination Hong Kong.

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