Terrapiniffic Turtle

This picture is SOOCIK-B (Straight out of the camera in kayak...Baby.) Well...maybe I did crop it a little.

Most turtles I see disappear when they see the giant red boat coming at them. But today was a little different. I had 10-12 just sit there as I approached. This beauty especially. 10 feet away, then paddle...8 feet away...then paddle. Finally...I was as close as I could be with my 300mm lens. 5 feet away. Picture after picture. Took so many that I was embarrassed to count them.

I so hated to post this turtle after chasing down a swan family of 3. I so swanted to post Mr. and Mrs. Swan. But...I think my flickr account is up and going again...so I put the swans on there. Have a look-see.

Also saw 2 green herons and 1 big blue. No pictures.

As close as I got to the turtles...just let me say this. I can't wait to get on the internet for a good turtle soup recipe. The question is...how do I get them to open up...how do I get them to come out of their shell?

Click on TURTLE for a closer look at the swell au naturel shell. His/her name is either Maxwell, the hardshell, or Michelle, my belle. With that I say farewell.

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