X Sighted

By q8rdave

Sit on My Big Deck...

if you don't mind getting your butt wet. RAIN, RAIN, RAIN! Orchids, sunset, chairs (always a Blip favorite), table, badly placed brooms ("Why aren't they being used to sweep off your big deck?" you pointedly ask.), leaves and at least one fur-ball courtesy of M or S. You are getting this image because I am doing the suggested exercises on the 5DM3 tutorial. Not because I am proud of it. But feel that since you are my fellow Blip-dicts you should have to suffer through this learning curve with me. Tomorrow expect BIG Fruit ("Self-portrait?" you sarcastically ask. "Fruit in a speedo?", you continue to make things worse. All I can say is for the sake of YOUR pleasant dream state, you better hope not.) No, it will be morning farmers' market with friend and chef, Hari Pulapaka. It will give me an excuse to do close-ups, portraits, "street" shots and some video. You will get to see just ONE (cus dem's da rulz) tomorrow.

Note: no there is no EXIF info because of one, two or three of the following: a)Blip upload software, 2)HDR processing or *)because I have reset the camera settings to "factory" for the tutorial. Also, it is one jpg run through Canon's new HDR software and diddled with.

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