
By cowgirl

Painted Ladies!

Helped my friend painting at her sister's flats today. The cupboard top right was my main project. Ended up finishing it off in the dark! Well, I was using the torch on my mobile phone, so goodness knows how it will look tomorrow.

The other shots are;
the colour scheme boards, so we all know what gets painted what

a notice on one of the doors ( quite necessary for someone like me who's not sure where they're going yet as there are quite a few door on the 4 floors! )

Sav called in to see how we were getting on and got roped into helping to secure a plastic sheet over the leaking atrium

the scaffolding up to the inside of the atrium

the view over the roof tops, looking towards Tutbury Castle ( you can just see a bit of a ruined tower peeking from behind a tree ... just! )

When I got home, Sav had cooked a lovely roast dinner and fruit crumble and then I just had time to shower for Mr Poldark!

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