
The Tinkers woke around 6 but managed to contain them in woms room till 7 then in our room till 7:30

We headed over to see the ponies. Wom loved it as you can tell from this grin. He rode out with no support, he groomed, he painted he just loved it. Munchie was a star with him, she held his hand, told him what to do and was just ace.

I'd taken packed lunches with us which they ate in the car, these were quickly demolished so we swung by the nugget shop for emergency cheese burgers.

Home, I hoped they might have a sleep, but they didn't. We played

Daddy got home and I popped out to get pastry. Made two chicken, bacon and mushroom pies, one for tea and one for our friends who have just had a baby.

Quiet chilled rest of afternoon, tea demolished. Yay
Daddy has just popped up to take pie and meet baby Hugo x

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