love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

This morning....

Finds me and the dogs under the chestnut tree. I love changing seasons but that love is not returned. I have Lyme's disease and Bartonella infections (Cat Scratch and Trench Fever) which flare up with weather change. I'm not whining, I'm dealing. There are just some days I have to stop and do absolutely nothing. This is one of them. It sounds easier than it actually is, doing nothing. I am so very blessed. I have a full, active, life. Not without problems and far from perfect, but so very blessed. I am learning to see these down days as a blessing also. A time to reflect on these blessings and to be so very thankful. Thankful I am still able to work and be active. Thankful for my Savior, my family, my friends. Thankful for my dogs and this chestnut tree. Have a very blessed Sunday, or whatever day it is in your world. Find your blessings.

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