Ultrasound III

Today we had our next, and perhaps last?, ultrasound. This is considered "the big one" where you can finally find out the baby's sex but we have opted not to find out and keep it a surprise. If you can tell from these photos - don't tell me! It was not quite as fun as the last ultrasound because in that one we could see the whole baby all in one picture - it was so small we could see it head to toe in baby shape. This time, the baby is all curled up in a ball trying to fit in and they spent a long time measuring its bones and looking at its organs to see that all is ok. But, it does at least look like a baby in its pictures! Plus, we had a rather inexperienced tech who didn't do a great job of enjoying the experience with us. We brought M along with us and I think the three of us were enjoying ourselves a bit too much for a hospital setting!

Over the last few weeks/days, I have been agonizing over whether to find out or not. Almost everyone knows these days. I was definitely tempted and curious but I decided for sure last night that I didn't want to know. Now I am very glad we are waiting, it feels right. It would have felt very anti-climactic to have our less-than-awesome tech just simply say "It's a _____." This lets me daydream and pick baby names and imagine different possibilities for 5 more months! For the record, my mom and I are both thinking boy, my sister thinks girl, and Mr. Apple has no opinion on which it might be!

We did find out from the ultrasound that my kidneys appear to be a little swollen. It sounds scary but none of the doctors seem to be alarmed at all. I have to start wearing a maternity support belt (oh, the sexiness) all the time and just "see if that helps", with of course no definition for what "see" or "helps" is. I feel like it's one of those "We don't know what else to tell you to do so we'll suggest this harmless thing to make you feel like we're being proactive about it" suggestions.

Ultrasound I
Ultrasound II

p.s. These were the first things I photographed with my new D800!

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