Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Nik Kershaw - The Riddle

Day 1 of the album challenge. I didn't have a clue what I was going to do today - well done Dave and Jen for their intimidating confidence about their blips!


I talk, but I do not speak my mind
I hear words, but I do not listen to thoughts
When I wake, all see me
When I sleep, all hear me
Many heads are on my shoulders
Many hands are at my feet
The strongest steel cannot break my visage
But the softest whisper can destroy me
The quietest whimper can be heard.

Apparently this riddle - according to Wiki - was a favourite of Teddy Roosevelt. The pic is of three handsome fellas we brought back from our hols last year. I looked up after I had read riddle and thought these fitted it quite well.

For those of you who want to listen to a song here's a dose of cheesy pop

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