A New Dawn

I was woken just before 5 by the dogs howling / crying - they had been shut in the kitchen as Milo (our canine guest) had been a bit wild on arrival and we didn't want her running amok in the lounge!

So I finished up doing an early walk - catching the dawn with some lovely colours in the sky.

Discovered that one of the footpaths that we use regularly had been completely ploughed up by the farmer. This path (a public footpath) runs along the edge of his field so there is absolutely no need for this vandalism.  What is really annoying is that the grass (decades of solid roots) has now been destroyed and we will now have a mudbath along there for years to come...I will be contacting the public rights of way depart at the council this week.

We spent most of the day at Mrs madwil's studio and had a steady stream of visitors and got a very positive response to the setup - they also spent rather freely as well :-) ..... A great start to the new venture.

One of the visitors was and old friend who we hadn't seen for 10 years (although we have kept in touch) - who had been watching the progress on Facebook and happened to be up in Yorkshire for the weekend. She popped over and so tea and chinwagging was in order.

Another dog walk at dusk then and M&S ready meal (lasagne) for tea and a few beers to go with it. All ready to go for second day of trading at the new studio..

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