Another step forward

My new passport arrived yesterday and will be going out again tomorrow. I spent the afternoon filling in the Chinese visa application form on line, having gathered all the necessary info beforehand. They needed to know dates of previous visits and thanks to blipping I know that the photographs we took are dated, otherwise I'm not sure how I would have known accurately!!

There was a quick concern when I realised that the invitation letter to conference had to have additional details on it (full name, gender, date of birth!!!!!!). A quick email to the conference organisers in Switzerland with my details and within an hour an updated letter arrived... brilliant service.

They have 42 blank pages in this passport and it will be interesting to see where they put the visa!!

To return to the issue of photographs being dated!! It appears that B's have the correct dates in 2006, but mine say that they were taken in 2003!!! We were there at the same time!! I don't suppose I realised that the date needed to be set up in the camera. The only problem that this creates is if I want to back blip some of my China ones in view of this next visit!!

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