Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Festival of light

We've had a day of celebrating light today.

G&G came round this morning and came armed with tools and ladders to change some of the light fittings in the house. Whoever thought brass chandeliers were nice? And why would you put spot lights in a bedroom?? Anyway they are all now in the bin and have been replaced with 'normal' light fittings! Much better.

This afternoon we went into town to enjoy some of the Diwali celebrations. There was a stage that had some dancing and music. A loved it and was totally engrossed in the whirlwind of movement of colour. P had been learning about Diwali at rainbows and had been shown some henna. So when we saw some ladies doing henna P jumped at the chance to have some done. She chose a flower design and has been really proud of it all evening.

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