Sophie Holds A Tea Party

Sophie spent ages this morning holding a tea party for her toys (and a passing duck!). As you can see, she treated them to a healthy meal of fruit and eggs.

It's lovely to listen to her chatting away to her toys and seeing her imagination develop.

Yesterday, I was trying to keep her entertained in the car, while Tess was picking up one or two bits of shopping, by whistling nursery rhymes. She was quick to identify them , despite my decidedly dubious whistling skills, but was fascinated by how I was doing it. She started trying to copy me, pursing her lips and blowing to no effect: in the end, we were both in such fits of giggling that neither of us could whistle for laughter. She's always such a joy that I couldn't resist another Sophie blip today.

She's now safely back home with her Mum & Dad and I'm listening to the radio commentary, sweating on the Yeovil result, 1-0 up with just minutes to play

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