down the bunny hole

By flopsybunny

It's a blur!

.....Both the butterfly and also this past year, as this is my 365th blip! I am so grateful to Harebell for introducing me to blip. It has helped what has been a difficult year to pass more easily and to have something positive to look at each day. There is a beauty to be found in anything, if you just stop and enjoy the moment.

Blip also allows me to touch base with family, Mrs Toad and friends, Aunty Doffy which is great to see what they are up to and to see pictures of back home. Mr F even dabbles now and again too!

I have 'met' some lovely blippers and enjoy looking at your journals everyday. Thank you so much to everyone that takes the time to stop by and for your lovely comments. It really does mean a lot :-)

Thank you Blipfoto.

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