Still alive

Another bad day and at midnight, I quickly took this photo of the geraniums on the terrace. Still alive and well as we haven't yet had a proper frost. Down side of that is that the weather is rainy and very cool. It is due to get better Sunday but threat of frost when the cloud cover goes.

Having great problems with Blip Motivation at the moment. Think this is an annual autumnal problem. Perhaps it's also all the stupidity going on in the world. I understand much of the cause of such irrational actions but am sure the extreme over reactions will cause at the very least in the short and middle term a lot of heartache. The US and the UK seem to be in such a dreadful mess with individuals using the opportunity to progress their own fame and fortune. And now even the Walloon's are joining in making a point for internal political reasons. I am no friend of globalisation or Europeanisation in many aspects of life but there are matters where we have to accept it's a small world and that we are all very dependent on one another. We have enough problems dealing with crazed individuals and groups, without ripping ourselves apart. 

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