Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Return to Cape Town

Early start today, we were en route before 0800.  We managed to reach Cape Town Airport to hand back our hire car by about 2.30.  W's sister very kindly met us there, and we transferred our stuff into her car - but somewhere along the line, I lost my camera.  Fortunately the only photos not downloaded were the ones from 20th October, and a few from this morning.

We obviouslyr agonised over this for a while, but have resigned ourselves that there was nothing we could do but treat it philosophically - it could have been much worse!

This evening, we attended a concert at Erin Hall, given by Ian van Rensburg, accompanied by Tertia Visser.  And on returning to U's house, we were treated to bobotie.

Just one more day in Cape Town, then we're on the overnight flight back tomorrow evening. 

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