The Biter and the Bitee

I had no idea what to do for Film Star Friday, but I thought something would strike me during the day so I didn't stress. Sian was free to play out today and we decided to go to A Right Royal Tea Party in Rawtenstall. It is a gorgeous, quirky, little teashop and we had a cheeky cream tea whilst we had a good old chin wag. 

We had a mooch along the cobbled high street and there in the window of a charity shop was the inspiration for a FSF blip....a Dracula cape and a waistcoat. It was labelled up for such a cheap price that I had to go in to check it was right. It was! Well, it would have been rude not to get them. 

We then nipped into Asda as Sian needed a wooden spoon and I wanted some vampire teeth...we know how to rock! It was a lovely afternoon.

Sian didn't want to be photographed, she said I would have to be the biter and the bitee. So, tonight I got the curling tongs out, because all doomed heroines seem to have wisps of curls escaping in a dramatic fashion ( I tried ha ha ha), I stuck on my fluttering long eyelashes, I bloodied my neck.........and the doorbell rang!

Thankfully, it was only Jude he he he. 

I'm working on Hallowe'en and I'm trying to get everyone to dress up for the session. I think a vampire is prefect for a venipuncurist.....mwhah ha ha.

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