Restless and Garrulous Waxwings

Another grey day of dampness but we went for a walk anyway round our circuit, about 7 kms.f
Halfway round we found this flock of waxwings. Once you've watched them a few times in the autumn you get to recognise the flock's behaviour and can identify them from a distance. They feed off a rowan tree but perch restlessly in a nearby higher tree top, never really settling. Now and again they fly down to the rowan tree and perch acrobatically on or near a bunch of berries. Perhaps they'll eat one or two before taking off and finding a new bunch of berries, or abandoning the rowans and returning to the taller tree.  All the time movement and noise as the flock whirls around. It’s easy to understand why part of their Latin name is “garrulous”.
Eventually we left them to it and walked home.
After coffee we did some autumn window cleaning. Outside, inside, open up the double glazing, inner side 1 and inner side 2, close up the window - next…  I managed 5 windows before it really did get too dark to see.

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