There's a Feeling I Get When I Look to the West ..

We're on a mission to improve my posture to prevent any recurrences of this trapped nerve thing that's been troubling me. Lady Marian's had her Ikea spanners out and the shelves of my desk and the monitors have been raised to eye level. Everything (and there's quite a lot of gear) has had to be unplugged, removed and replaced to make it all work and now we just need a standing-type bum rest because I can't actually stand up all the time. The price of these things that orthopaedic shops charge! We've gone for one from Ikea which is cheap and cheerful enough. Hope we can get it delivered, I don't want to have to go up there!

As the sun started going down I headed up the hill to Higher Radway and found this colourful, tumultuous sky.

Did you get it?

... and she's buying a ....

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