Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Playing With Squirrels

With summer like temperatures, the pups were happy to be out in the back yard and entertained themselves by chasing squirrels for almost two hours (fortunately they never caught one).  The smarter squirrels that stayed in the front yard were furiously gathering and burying acorns.  

The squirrel pictured here just showed up recently and seems quite comfortable around people.  She never showed any signs of distress as joggers (some with dogs) went by nor did she mind me doing any army crawl towards her to get this photo (distance of ~5 feet).  

BTW - Sorry I have been MIA but another 6 month project is coming to a close over the next two weeks and expect that I will continue to have a number of 10+ hour work days ahead of me.  So apologies in advance if I end up boring you to death with squirrel blips... :)) 

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