and through the wire...

By hesscat

The House of Fulls

Our last fool day down here (see what I did there?), I spent the sunny day inside at work, although managed a wander around at lunchtime, and Ms H gadded about a plenty, including the Sherlock Museum, St Paul's and St Barts Hospital.. don't worry, no ailments...  Sherlock (aka Benny) fell to his death there at the end of one series... hence her need to see that place.

When I escaped we jaunted around New Scotland Yard (they have removed the sign :-( ), Bucks Pally (she was in but not accepting guests), The Full House (oops I did it again), Traffy Square, Jack Reacher's Film Premiere (we missed Tom) but we did go see it at the BFI instead. Everybody suitably shattered.

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