
By throughalens14


woke up this morning to find these two midge bites staring back at me in the mirror..don't quite understand how they've got so bad overnight, or why I have no bites anywhere else..they just decided to bite me on the face..three times. So I've decided to sit in all day feeling sorry for myself just because I can, loving summer holidays..!
Thanks for that guys.
Went for the first driving lesson I've had for ages this morning because I've been away which was fun, although my instructor said I was 'too keen for speed'..probably won't end well seeing as I'm not quite skilled enough to control the car going 70mph if anything happened.. will try and slow down next time! Theory test is also booked in a few weeks, can't wait just to have passed my test so I can drive whenever. Not that I have a car but oh problem at a time

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