His and Hers

"It's never too late to exercise" So says the headline in a national newspaper.
Well here you have a couple who have taken this to heart!

There was also coverage on TV last night off the more mature elderly taking this to heart, and I have to say that whilst it may be good for the old to play olympic type sports, it is, I suppose controversial and ageist to say, that to me there is not much appeal to see the older person in athletic mode.
I'd rather watch young toned bodies in action. Wiggins and Tom Daley fit the bill nicely.

From the amount of clearing the decks that his Lordship and I have had to do since we got back last night, one might be forgiven for thinking that we'd been a way for a month.
However we're almost there and life will resume as normal this afternoon.

But I'm going to have to get used to that stomach empty ache.
There's nothing like hot weather and fewer clothes to ram home the fact that flab is not a good look, exercise or no.
As for lycra, nothing is as unforgiving.

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