Leaves on the line..

.A park blip.

Not very imaginative I fear.
In my defence I was carrying two heavy bags of shopping and the camera.

One (very lovely) thing about having moved to a closer proximity to shops is that one doesn't have to go in the car to obtain the necessaries.

The downside of this (one tries not to focus on a downside, of course) is that one is drifting through one's supermarket of choice, thinking,
'Aha, here is the bread and milk I need in order to provide the simple pleasures of a slice of toast and a broo'...
When one realises that there are (inevitably) Other Things on offer, like butternut squash and potatoes and bananas and other (what I call) 'Heavy-But-Surely(?)-Carryables'.. (Like a small bar of chocolate perhaps).

I'm going to get my arms measured.

And if they are even one tiny fraction longer next week, I'm getting the car out for shopping in future.

(I wonder whether the leaves on the line are the Right Kind?).

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