Uses of Baler Twine . . .
We walk past this, up on the hill, nearly every day. The old fence leans somewhat, and was probably just about fallen down, when someone decided to anchor it to an old piece of farm machinery, with a length of baler twine.
It must have been many years ago, the grass has completely grown over both the ironwork and most of the fence. There are no animals up there these days, the rest of the fences are down, and the field is cut for silage each year.
The silage is now cut and baled and wrapped in black plastic, ready to be fed to the cattle over the winter. As you walk past the stacks of bales, you can smell the fermenting grass, it's very similar to a brewery smell.
The use of old machinery to block holes in fences or walls is quite commonplace up here. As is the use of baler twine - mostly orange, but other colours are available. This could become a bit of a project!
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